Home Blog Why you must say 'yes' to Fluoride

Why you must say 'yes' to Fluoride

Fluoride Treatment in San Jose

Fluoride is your teeth's best friend. Research has shown that when fluoride is present in small quantities in the food and water we consume, it can help fight cavities and maintain your dental health. That is why; your local dentist recommends toothpaste with fluoride in it. And depending on where you live, your city council would be adding fluoride in your drinking water.

In addition to using a toothpaste that contains fluoride, you can go in for fluoride varnish treatments from your local dentist. Your dentist will tell you when and how often you must get this done.

So what makes fluoride such a great thing? I mean, why should you say yes to it? Here are some reasons:

1. Fluoride is Natural

Fluoride is present everywhere in Nature. It's present in the soil from where it gets into our food and water. Groundwater in most parts of the world has a healthy concentration of fluoride in it. It changes the structure of your tooth enamel and helps strengthen it.

2. Makes your teeth hard and strong

The tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body and one of the hardest naturally-occurring substances after diamonds. The strength in the enamel comes from fluoride. So ingesting fluoride in various ways helps your body go through what is called 'remineralization.' Fluoride creates a layer around your teeth and protects it from decay caused by bacteria and acids that come from the sugar in our food.

3. Fluoride is present in your drinking water

Since the 1960s, fluoride is being added in drinking water, to reduce oral disease in the United States. Between 1 to 4 ppm (parts per million) of fluoride is found in your drinking water. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hails this as one of the best community health initiatives and is comparable to vaccination for polio, smallpox, and other diseases.

4. Fluoride is ideal for people with dry mouth

The saliva in our mouth is not there just to digest our food. It neutralizes acids created out of the food we consume and protects our teeth from cavities. It also contains calcium, phosphate, and fluoride that helps remineralize our tooth enamel and dentin. Now, diabetics and some people have a natural tendency for dry mouth. They have less saliva in their mouths, so they are more prone to tooth decay and tooth fall. Having fluoride varnishes can counteract this damage.

Also Read: Fluoride and Teeth

5. Fluoride varnish is very convenient

In the past, varnish treatments required a long gap after your surgery to eat or drink anything. That has changed now. Present-day varnishes are quick, easy, more productive, and do not require any waiting period after the sessions.

6. Reduce your risk for cavities

Like fluoride in our food and water, a fluoride varnish can remineralize your teeth. This helps stop cavity formation (if it's already happening) and prevents new cavities from forming.

7. Value for Money

Fluoride Varnish treatments are inexpensive. They cost much less than getting a cavity filled or any other issue related to your dental health. By getting this treatment done regularly, your teeth will last longer, and there will be no cavities to deal with.

Fluoride varnishes are the right thing to do for good dental and overall health in your old age. To know more or to get an appointment with Hills Dental, call 408-725-1536 or email us at info@hillsdentalgroup.com.


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