Home Blog Precautions to be Taken When Visiting Your Dentist

Precautions to be Taken When Visiting Your Dentist

Dental Safe in Check Procedure

The COVID 19 quarantine/lockdown is slowly being relieved. People will now be able to leave their homes and try to return to at least a semblance of "normal' life. But what is normal now is different from the past. Take, for example, visits to the dentist. This is something that must be done, either to pre-empt dental problems from arising or to deal with any that may have occurred. Your dentist is a highly specialized medical professional and will know what needs to be done to keep patients protected from infection during their visits. If you take the necessary precautions and follow any instructions you receive from the dentist's office, you will be safe and protected during your visit and will have no reason to worry.

Before You Go

• Schedule your appointment as much in advance as possible. With social distancing remaining in force, there will be limits on the number of people entering the dentist's office, and the extra sanitation measures mean that the dentist may see fewer people each day. Getting an appointment well in advance increases your chances of getting a date and time that suits you.

• The office may contact you before your visits to enquire about your health. Answer questions as honestly and thoroughly as possible. It is for everyone's protection. You could infect others or, if your resistance is low, your chances of getting an infection increase. You may be asked questions again when you arrive for your appointment to make sure that nothing has changed.

• Ask how many people you can take with you for a visit. Social distancing will limit the number of people who can be in the office or waiting room.

• Bathe, use toothpaste and mouthwash and wear fresh clothes before leaving the house, so you do your bit to protect others.

• Make sure you wear your mask and follow any other mandated safety steps when you leave home.

When You Arrive

• If you arrive early, you may be asked to wait outside the office to limit the number of people inside. This is for your protection, so please cooperate.

• Your temperature may be taken, and you may be asked to use hand sanitizer.

• When you enter the waiting room, do not touch toys, magazines, etc. as you usually do. The less you touch, both at the dentist and elsewhere, too, the better.

With the Dentist

• The dentist may do things differently than on your previous visits. This will be to minimize the chances of infection. Follow the instructions without question, even if they make no sense to you.

• Do not be alarmed if the dentist wears different protective equipment. It is for your safety.

After The Visit

• When you get home, take all the usual precautions that are needed after a trip outside the house.

• If you feel unwell within 14 days of your visit, contact your dentist. You may have been an asymptomatic COVID 19 carrier, so others you came into contact with at the dentist will need to be checked.

There is no reason to worry about infection when visiting the dentist. He/She is a medical professional, and if you use common sense and follow any instructions you receive, you will be fine.

We at Hills Dental Group, offer a safe check-in procedure for your dental visit. Call us at 408-725-1536 or email us at info@hillsdentalgroup.com to schedule an appointment and we will be happy to get you on track to happy, healthy life.


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