Home Blog Teens and Teeth

Teens and Teeth

Teens and Teeth

Being a mother of two adolescent can sometimes become challenging when it comes to Oral health, so I decided to write about Teens and Teeth in this blog.

Teens or Adolescent are kids between the ages of 11-19 years.

Teens and Preteens at this age are at a high risk of caries, injuries and gum diseases.

They have unique social and psychological needs during this age.

Teens tend to have poor nutrition as they consume high quantities of refined carbohydrates and acid containing beverages.

Most of them go through orthodontic treatment for correction of their bite and teeth. During this period if they do not maintain good oral hygiene, they are more prone to plaque induced gingivitis and caries. The increase in plaque due to poor oral health can later lead to weak enamel and white spots on teeth after the braces are removed and may require fillings, veneers for cosmetic outcome.

There is an increase in certain hormones during puberty affects the composition of the subgingival microflora. This form of gingivitis due to hormonal imbalance is temporary as the body accommodates to these hormonal changes.

Many teens may go for mouth-piercings which look cool but can be harmful to your health. It can lead to bacterial growth, infection and sometimes swelling of your tongue. If the jewelry breaks in your mouth it can possibly choke you. Sometimes constant contact between the piercing and your teeth can lead to tooth fracture.

Some teens may pick up the habit of smoking, which can lead to stains on the teeth, bad breath, gum diseases to name a few.

Parents can be a good role model during childhood and teen years of a child and help them understand and develop a good nutrition and good oral hygiene. Gentle reminders are helpful when they slack on oral health.

Here at Hills dental we take care and educate our teen patients of their oral health and its long-term implication. We would love to take care of your teens and family too.

Call us at 408-725-1536 or email us at info@hillsdentalgroup.com to schedule an appointment.


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